Sunday, November 30, 2014

Harsh Reality

Nothing stays buried

Cover it as much as you can

the subtle erosion of time

an abrupt thought

or an impersonal word

will reveal

the truth

and the pretenses fall

you crumble

then rise again

just to carefully

hide it from sight

to pretend once more

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Here Before

there is a curiosity
about certain moments of deja vu
when that feeling
of meeting these people
and sharing this laughter
this moment
is so very familiar
and you smile
then stop
the memory of that "first time"
is so very strong
and you realize
something is...wrong
it was different that first time
you look around
your eyes searching
to see what has changed
what is missing
then your eyes settle
on an empty chair
and it hits you--
He's not there...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Last Candle

I watched the flame

as it slowly flickered

before it went out

taking with it

any last hope

of previous warmth

its lingering scent

a fading reminder

of what once was

as the last wisp of smoke

curled upward

and faded away…

Monday, September 8, 2014

I Can and I Will

Believe that each moment is new
carrying nothing but what I bring to it

Be grateful for all that I have
appreciating the value of all of it

Continue to learn about myself
improving all that I can

Be nicer to myself
accepting of and forgiving

Move forward
looking back only if with a smile

Do more, be more
enjoying the progression

sharing it and enjoying it

Be happy
knowing it’s all up to me



We acknowledge.

To accept

or admit

the existence (or truth of),

or to recognize the fact

or quality

or importance of,

a body of opinion

a thought

an idea

a feeling…


Or even a person--

how they may feel

that we think of them

that we care

that they exist…

Or we don’t.

New (pub 08.18.14)


Sunrise is the beginning of the day
Sunset begins night
Beginnings happen in many ways
With a smile,
On a tear.
Like a wave
-which is both hello and goodbye
A beginning is an ending,
An ending a beginning
They are the same
Both sides of the same coin
Each word, each breath, each thought
Is a beginning
Each starts with you
And is dependent on you
To make it


For my sister, Kelley-Jo.

I'm so proud of you for following your heart. May this new beginning bring many new and wonderful things your way. I love you.

Morning Coffee and Desolation...Mourning Desolatte? (pub 08.16.14)

I’ve been advised
that it’s like playing poker
it’s all a gamble.
Sometimes you win
Sometimes you don’t.
But I’ve played poker before
The thing is 
That every time
--every single time--
Before I even sat down to play,

I knew I was invited to a game.

I’ve grieved before.
I know this feeling
of watching the world carry on
business as usual,
and not feeling a part of it


I gave you one less thing to worry about
one less responsibility
though I was low on the list of priorities
more of your time is now free


The flame throws its warmth
to everyone near
It can live forever
by igniting others.
Or it can die
snuffed immediately by a breeze
that left you wondering where it came from
It can flicker,
slowly dying, 
fighting valiantly to hold on to the oxygen
that is now in short supply.
No matter how it’s extinguished,
when it’s gone,
you feel the chill.

You taught me many things
I’ll value those lessons later
But you held back on your best skill
Something I would’ve appreciated sooner
Because right now
I wish I knew 
how to be


Silence was one thing I never expected to get from you
Complete and utter
